Georgia’s William Porter Payne and Porter Otis Payne Indoor Athletic Facility is one of the nation’s top indoor athletic facilities.
In April of 2018, Georgia dedicated the William Porter Payne and Porter Otis Payne Indoor Athletic Facility in honor of former UGA all-star football player Billy Payne and his father, the late Porter Payne, also a former Bulldog letterman. Dubbed the “House of Payne,” the facility is located on the Woodruff Practice Fields and is connected to Butts-Mehre Heritage Hall.
The building houses the players’ headquarters, including the Donald M. Leebern, Jr., Locker Room; the William K. Holmes Family Weight Room; the Harold Harrison Athletic Training Room; meeting rooms and the grab-and-go meal station. In addition, it includes football coaches’ offices and meeting rooms, historical displays for all UGA athletic teams and the administrative offices of the Athletic Association. Additionally, the building displays exhibits and artifacts celebrating Georgia’s academic and athletic excellence. The first floor features the Loran and Myrna Smith Lobby and the second floor includes the Larry Munson Trophy Room.
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